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Books I’ve read lately

What I've been reading lately

The Gemini Series by Hailey Edwards

Dead in the Water by Hailey EdwardsI quite enjoyed these books.  Hell or High Water by Hailey EdwardsHead Above Water by Hailey Edwards

An urban fantasy/mystery/romance series, the books primarily revolved around the main character trying to stop a rather nasty fey from continuing his killing spree.

The solid worldbuilding carried the show, the mystery of the series kept the plot alive, while the romance was more of an inevitable undercurrent (which, to be honest, felt a little forced at times but it could be forgiven).

My view: worth a read.

The Pageant (Vampire Royals #1) by Leigh Walker

The Pageant by Leigh WalkerI found this book on my kindle while looking for something to read during a flight. I suspect it was from a giveaway years ago.

It’s a dystopian story focused on a pageant where the winner gets to marry the ruling vampire prince. It has some decent worldbuilding and backstory, but I found the kidsy delivery a little too cheesy for my tastes.

Unfortunately it just stopped mid-story, a sales tactic I don’t subscribe to.

Fish out of Water by Hailey Edwards

Fish Out of Water by Hailey EdwardsThis is one of those novellas which takes a side character and gives them a brief starring role.

Picking up directly after the first three books of the Gemini series, it follows the same formula: murder mystery / romance, and a conclusion you’ll be hard pressed to get wrong.

I was hoping for something cut from its own cloth, but still an enjoyable read.

Promise the Moon by Hailey Edwards

Promise the Moon by Hailey EdwardsTechnically the fourth book in the Gemini series, Promise the Moon book takes another side character and makes her the protagonist in a new trilogy. Like Fish out of Water, it follows directly after the first three books, though it has a slightly different feel.

Same formula though.

There’s now a rift between our world and they fey world, and fey are coming through and causing problems.

The main character is tasked with the area’s defense, but when people go missing… well, there’s another mystery to solve. The romance is there as well, only it’s a love triangle this time.

Well written, but after several similar books I need to find something fresh before I come back to the series.

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